Health Services


New Prescriptions

New prescriptions from 2 MDG providers must be activated using a kiosk at the Main Pharmacy prior to processing.

All prescriptions from non-2 MDG providers (off-base) will be processed at the Satellite Pharmacy. These prescriptions must also be activated prior to processing.

This can be accomplished by one of the following methods:
  1. Online through the MHS Genesis Patient Portal secure messaging at: (Preferred method)
  2. At the kiosk in the main entrance to the BX or in the BX Food Court for pick up at a later time. 
  3. Drop Boxes: Use any of the 3 drop boxes for your hard copy prescriptions. Be sure to fill out an “activation form” for faxed or electronically sent prescriptions. Drop box medications will be ready for pick up the next duty day.
    • Location of pharmacy drop boxes:
      1. BX Food Court
      2. Far left side of the BX main entrance outside external front pharmacy door
      3. Corner of the BX in the pharmacy drive-thru parking lot (Located off of Curtiss Road)
  4. Phone: Activate by calling the pharmacy directly at 318-456-6555, option 3. Please note the possibility of extended wait times due to high call volume.

Prescription Refills

Refills can be placed through the phone-in refill system and will be available for pick up at the drive-through window at the Satellite Pharmacy.

When calling in a refill, listen to the automated message for changes in hours of operation and other important pharmacy information. There is a 72-hour turn around for refills excluding weekends, holidays, and down days.

TRICARE Formulary

Medications available at the 2 MDG are based upon the Department of Defense formulary. Due to limited space within the pharmacy, we do not keep all uniform formulary items on hand. To see the list of routinely stocked items at the Barksdale AFB Pharmacies, download our local Pharmacy Formulary List.

To view the entire DoD formulary, along with any TRICARE restrictions or required forms, you and your provider can visit:

Contact Us


Satellite Pharmacy
318-456-6555, Option 3


Main and Satellite Pharmacy
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Satellite Pharmacy
Base Exchange